Thursday, January 3, 2013

How big is the carbon footprint of the GW conference in Bali this week?

Q. How many celebrities flew private jets in to address the conference? Wouldn't it be better to do all that sort of thing via satellite feed from localized spots? Or did the royalty just want a nice holiday in a tropical paradise?

I think I already know the answer.

A. According to a recent article from -

"Government officials and activists flying to Bali, Indonesia, for the United Nations meeting on climate change will cause as much pollution as 20,000 cars in a year.

The delegates each will produce an average 4.07 metric tons of carbon dioxide, or CO2, to reach the resort island 950 kilometers (600 miles) from Jakarta, according to estimates e- mailed to Bloomberg by the UN agency holding the conference.

Some of the 187 nations participating in the two-week forum promised to offset their so-called carbon footprint by planting trees or buying emission credits. The symbolic actions won't help stop global warming, some scientists say.

``It's very hard for the public to understand that you come together with so many people to a very distant place and cause a lot of emissions, and at the same time talk about emission reductions,'' Artur Runge-Metzger, head of climate strategy for the European Commission, said yesterday in an interview in Bali, adding that he had offset his own emissions."


The article states later that -

"The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the conference organizer, failed to get governments to include offsetting projects in the group's budget, said Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the convention. Some of the 10,000 attendees to this year's meeting, held in air-conditioned rooms at the tropical beach resort, planned their own projects.

Proposals Abound

Indonesia will plant 79 million trees to offset the entire conference's emissions, Emil Salim, head of the host country's delegation, told reporters yesterday in Bali. The Asian nation is investigating how to develop its tree-planting activity to ensure a lasting offset, said Amanda Katili, special assistant to Environment Minister Rachmat Witoelar."


With this little part included...

"EU Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas and three of his staff are buying so-called carbon credits, each representing a reduction of a ton of carbon dioxide, on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, commission spokeswoman Barbara Helfferich said in a telephone interview.

$132 `Out of Pocket'"


I just love that kind of message - you know the kind... The message that states "I'll just throw money at the problem - whether or not the money will actually do anything positive, I'll throw money at it..."

Make no mistake: In most cases, "the royalty" as you put it really don't "change" their own manner of living. The Church of Global Warming's "Pope" (Al Gore) and his priests, bishops, and alter boys - governments, scientists, and celebrities - don't overly change their lifestyle, they just throw more money at the issue. Then the sermon tells all of the church membership (global warming believers) - as well as the "unbelieving infidel" (skeptics) - that everyone else needs to actually CHANGE the way we live...

I do my part to be more "environmentally friendly" - but I don't have a lot of "disposable income" to throw at a carbon offset or to sooth my environmental conscience with... I have actually made changes that I can afford, yet I'm still being told that I'm NOT DOING ENOUGH...

I guess that's why I'm one of the "unbelieving infidels"...

Aside from Bali, what other island would you say is the most exotic in Indonesia?
Q. I'm thinking of planning a trip to Indonesia later in the year. Been to Bali and Lombok but would like to see something very different.

A. As an Indonesian myself, I would say that most of the places in Indonesia is alot exotic. But if I must sugggest is that to Pulau Jawa, more like Jawa Barat (west Java) like Bandung, Garut, Tasikmalaya and Bogor. Not only because of the nice mountain scenery, people there are much more friendly. Also you should check out Jawa Tengah (mid Java), lots of exotic places to go. So enjoy!!!

What do people think of Garuda between Australia and Bali?
Q. I'm planning on flying Garuda between Melbourne and Bali in July. What is Garuda like on this A330 service? What are the seats, entertainment, food, service and reliability like? How friendly are the FAs? It sounds as though their international services are a bit safer than their domestic, anyway. Thanks.

A. Service and safety are pretty good. FAs are friendly and seats are comfy too.I flew Syd - Dps everything was fine. Except the crashed happened recently, GA has improved their service including schedules and human resources.

How can i start a dynamic speech arguing for the execution of the Bali Bombers?
Q. Ok Basicly i need help starting a speech on why the bali bombers should have been exceuted, they were exceuted on nov 9 2008, 202 killed 209 injued, the 3 men been on death row since 2003.

thats just a lil info and i need sum bg info of the inncodent which is above. I need the speech to be very persuasive and it have to hit hard

A. I can't really help you on content, but I can tell you that analyzing your audience and what will work for them is going to be your biggest factor in determining how to approach your talk. Once you've determined what your audience is like, research the subject and pick the points about the Bali Bombers as well as any example situations that will prove why you feel the way you do. I good example would be to base it around the prevention of future terrorist acts.

What do Indonesians in Bali think of foreigners dating Bali females?
Q. I was just there and I did not see any american men with Indonesian Females. Do they think if one is with a man she is like a prostitute?

A. The Balinese are much more conservative than other areas of Indonesia. And yes, you are correct...they will think a local girl is a prostitute if seen with a foreign man. Oddly enough, it is the Javanese women who are more prevalent dating the foreign men on Bali.

I lived over there for about 5 years and I had a Balinese friend. She was horribly mistreated because of our friendship.

I really enjoyed travel ling further East to Kupang, too.

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