Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why do u think Justin Bieber does so much for charities?

Q. I am sure that we all appreciate what he does for charities. However I cannot help but question if he actually loves what he does for charities or if he is doing it to get a good image. What do you think?

A. I think its because he cares and wants to help. A lot of celebrities help out for charities and don't expect any big fuss about it. They are just regular folks to help out but are more able to help than others. Its a blessing to have them help out those in need. Some do it to for their image but most are doing it for the good of the people in need. I hope that answers your question.

What is the backing piano track in Epic Rap Battles of History 6 Beethoven vs Justin Bieber?
Q. I've been searching the net a while now, and I think the backing song is Beethoven, but I'm not sure. I'm not familiar at all with any of the names of his compositions, so I wouldn't have a clue which one it is. I've heard the song before, I just don't know what it's called. I'm trying to work it out so I can play it.

A. i think justin is better at this

My friend is inlove with justin bieber what merchandise should I get her ?
Q. The question tells it all, my bestfriend is inlove with justin bieber (gay I know) but she wants merchandise or things to do with Justin bieber , I've already got her a cardboard cutout and what else should I get her help me!

A. Clare's has a whole section with purses, perfume, walets, ect. My friend is too and I always go there for her birthday and christmas. Good luck!

Would it be good if Justin Bieber did facewash commercials?
Q. Like maybe Clean and Clear or Neutrogena? Also, what kind of soap do you think he uses to wash the rest of his body?
omg, I didn't know that. No wonder he has such great skin.

A. He's promoting proactive at the moment.

Why does yahoo stick up for justin bieber and ke$ha and not the general community?
Q. is it because their ears can withstand the evil and brutal force of ke$ha's autotuning? or is is it because they like little emo wannabe boys with squeaky voices? yahoo, you have dissappointed me, and I'm cheating on you with hotmail. goodbye.

A. Card games on motorcycles.
So I herd you liek mudkipz?
I'm a firing my lazer!

...Sorry about that, now for the actual answer. This is a big world, there will always be people who have different opinions than you, so please ease up on the complaining so as to spare the sanity of people who are smart enough to know not to have a strong opinion about things like this that will have no lasting impact on our existence.
Unless this was meant as a joke, in which case I will now "rofl" and "lol" until I "lmfao".
Hey, what about gmail?

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