Thursday, February 14, 2013

My friend is inlove with justin bieber what merchandise should I get her ?

Q. The question tells it all, my bestfriend is inlove with justin bieber (gay I know) but she wants merchandise or things to do with Justin bieber , I've already got her a cardboard cutout and what else should I get her help me!

A. Clare's has a whole section with purses, perfume, walets, ect. My friend is too and I always go there for her birthday and christmas. Good luck!

Why does yahoo stick up for justin bieber and ke$ha and not the general community?
Q. is it because their ears can withstand the evil and brutal force of ke$ha's autotuning? or is is it because they like little emo wannabe boys with squeaky voices? yahoo, you have dissappointed me, and I'm cheating on you with hotmail. goodbye.

A. Card games on motorcycles.
So I herd you liek mudkipz?
I'm a firing my lazer!

...Sorry about that, now for the actual answer. This is a big world, there will always be people who have different opinions than you, so please ease up on the complaining so as to spare the sanity of people who are smart enough to know not to have a strong opinion about things like this that will have no lasting impact on our existence.
Unless this was meant as a joke, in which case I will now "rofl" and "lol" until I "lmfao".
Hey, what about gmail?

Where can I get May 13th Justin Bieber concert tickets in HK?
Q. I have to get the tickets fast so I don't have to sit at the crappy seats!
Can you reply as fast as you can please? Thanks!

A. Right next to the Hank Williams CDs.

Is Justin Bieber the greatest musician of all time?
Q. I think so. People need to start listening to REAL music like Bieber and Lady GaGa, and stop listening to the bands that rip them off, like Pink Fluid and Dread Zeppelin.

A. Yes, he is the greatest

How has Justin Bieber changed since the time before he was famous to now?
Q. Is it a positive or negative change?

A. Well none of us knew him before he was famous. He was just a kid back then, his voice has not matured, he was shorter, no one really knew him, he was in a town of 32,000. He just really grew up now, he got awards, he got famous, he got a record label, he is known all across the world, he performs on stage a lot other than Stratford Idol. He just grew up no one is the same as they were when they were little we don't change we just all grow up and we can't change that were not Peter Pan. Its a positive change. I think that if it weren't for Scooter Braun searching for the song 'Respect' by Arthea Franklin then none of us would have changed.. Justin Bieber has changed so many lives in such positive ways. Ever since seeing how he got discovered and all that makes us very motivated and want us to pursue our dreams also. His fans always thought they will never be able to do this they will never be able to do that but if you say never say never and never give up you will be living out your dream. If this happened to Justin Bieber it could happen to anyone. Yes there are a few people that hate him now but that doesn't stop Justin Bieber from doing what he loves. Hes living out his dream and if living out his dream makes people hate him good for him. He made it.

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