Sunday, December 9, 2012

How to reccomend an acne brand to try to someone who has bad acne?

Q. So my cousin has bad acne, and I used to too (we got crappy skin genes) until I started using OXY's products. They are amazing and have gotten rid of all my acne, and fast!

My problem is, is that I don't know how to tell my cousin about this brand of products without sounding like, "I notice your acne!" Know what I mean?

How can I bring it up to her without hurting her feelings?


A. If your cousin doesn't ask you what you used to improve your skin, keep your mouth shut.

I know you want to be helpful but this is something you should not broach unless you are asked for your advice.

What is the best acne cream that actually will get rid of my acne?
Q. I have used duac cream for 2 years. Then took antibiotics. Nothing. Then I got new anti-biotic and Retin-A cream and I still have acne. I've been using the cream and taken antibiotics for a month.I changed my diet because maybe that might be the cause of my acne, I use scrubs etc on my face to wash it, different cleansing masks and still nothing. I'm going to a doctor on Monday to ask for a different cream. But what will actually make my acne disappear?

A. You won't find one that will totally get rid of acne!

Like you, many acne sufferers tend to concentrate fully on topical agents for their skin or taking medications. This may help at first (or may not) but it isn't getting to the root of the issues. The cause comes from within the body. Foods that are highly energizing, alkalizing and have amazing astringent properties will do wonders for your skin! Here's why.....

Everything that we eat, drink, breathe or put on our skin brings the outside world in. Our body processes these - digests, absorbs, utilizes, and eliminates - and if less than desirable things are coming in, our body has to work much harder. Our bodies can only handle so much processing and if too much, a healthy body becomes unhealthy with the build-up of cellular waste, digestive waste, foreign proteins, heavy metals, pesticides, air pollution, chemicals in our food and body products, etc. - all of which are acids. This creates an acidic environment or acidosis.

So, getting to the point of your acneâ¦..
A body pulls all the acids and dumps them into the lymphatic system, since this is your body's "sewage system" there has to be an outlet for all the sewage to be eliminated. When acids accumulate there, the lymph fluid becomes sticky, sluggish and coagulates. Hence, the kidneys are overworked in trying to filter this mess out. It is said that the skin is our 3rd kidney - it picks up the slack when the kidneys get into a bind. Most all skin problems are mirrors to the health of our lymph, kidneys and even adrenal glands (that sit atop the kidneys).

The diet that I would like to suggest is a very alkalizing diet and will reverse the acidosis --
According to total daily caloric intake:
80% fruit and freshly-made fruit juices
10-15% greens
5-10% essential fatty acids

Fresh raw fruit is the most perfect food for us even though many people don't eat enough or any at all! Bottom line, the more fruit you eat, the better off your skin and body will become. It's truly amazing!

I know this diet may seem a bit radical, not do-able or not being all-inclusive of the nutrients that we need. When, in fact, the diet that we have become accustomed to and considered the "norm" are actually a radical type of diet for humans. The diet mentioned above is what we are designed to eat (anatomically and physiologically). Because we are a society that has veered away from this diet that we are meant to eat, we have become more susceptible to illness, disease and all around unhealthiness. It's no different with acne.

If you try this diet, you will begin to see some remarkable results with not only your acne clearing up (and your skin will actually become clear as a bell), but you'll have so much vitality and your overall well-being will improve greatly! If your doctor prescribes you medications, throw them out - they only add fuel to the fire, so to speak!!! (Although, you should tell him that you are going to try this protocol first.)

What is the best acne product for very sensitive skin, with acne?
Q. I have VERY sensitive skin.
I know products work differently for each person, but I was just wondering if anyone had found something that works good.
Over a two year period, I've tried Clean & Clear facial clenser, clinique, clearisel, proactive, and a couple more.
I can't afford a doctor.

A. CETaPHIL daily facial cleanser amazing on sensitive skin with acne it helps to calm any acne on skin . also the Cetaphil face lotion its great leaves skin super soft this lotion is very lightweight doesnt clog pores.

What is the best acne treatment to get rid of persistent acne?
Q. My girlfriend has sensitive skin that tends to dry out very quickly when using harsh products, however she has some moderate acne on her face which can be painful at times. She's looking for a kit to get rid of this, but cannot decide on one. What have you guys used that has helped you?
My girlfriend isn't a pig, and junk food and soda does not cause acne. ;o

A. I used to have it really bad and used about every product there is to get rid of it. They didn't work. So I went to the doctors with it, they gave me some tablets for it and now it is almost gone. It had nothing to do with hygiene or my face not being clean. So I just take the tablets and use freederm. I now almost have clear skin. But the tablets are a long term treatment.
") hope I helped

How to remove acne scars and hyper pigmentation?
Q. I'm 13, and I have acne scars on the apples of my cheeks. I don't want to wear powder and concealer to cover up my acne scars due to my mother hating it and I feel awkward wearing it. I want my scars to be gone when I'm 18. Any home remedies or cheap products that can work?

A. Adam Lambert has the worst acne scars. JLo, even Demi Moore have been seen with scars on their faces during interviews. Demi in October 2012 issue of 'People magazine, showed her freckles (acne?) on the cover and inside article photo showed she had them removed but there was a 'hole' and no makeup could fill that in. How about Jennifer Hudson 'flea beaten scars' on her legs, as if she had itched them and got infected. I had some of those when I was a kid. With all their money they're making now, even beauty products can't do anything about their faces or should I say scars.
Avoid exposure from the sun, use a floppy hat. The sun can darken them, even skin where it never saw daylight. The sun can go through clothing.

Avoid too much sun exposure, so it won't make your scars even DARKER. Skin heals. So let your scab heals.

Take the Skin Picture Quiz - Identify These Common Skin Conditions on MedicineNet.
Any kind of facial wash, you're leaving something toxic behind, it's not a matter of convenience, it's a billion dollar business that can do more harm than good to your acne. And sometimes we feel entirely virtuous about our skin-care regimen because it's full of SPF-- all year round!-- and cleansers and such. But the truth is, we may not realize that we're overdoing (or underdoing) something that can lead to the very thing we're trying to avoid: dryness, breakouts, accelerated aging, New York dermatologist Dr. Jeannette Graf. (I've been giving this same advice for decades, but she's proof enough!).
Take a shower everyday, use washcloth to exfoliate and bath & body wash. Hydrogen peroxide does wonders for acne. Visit their website for more tips & other uses. ONLY $1.

Acne medication could worsen what ever allergies you have, so instead of trying out one product after another, you're actually spreading it around.
The less products you use, the better for your skin. Use a bath & body wash like Suave, Irish Spring, Dove Body & Face wash in the shower, use a washcloth. Treat your face like the rest of your body, take a shower everyday or wash your face everyday.

The secret is keeping your face clean and oil-free. I also don't use liquid on my face for anything, and very little moisturizer, not even a dime size. Since my face is not dry. Good skin also comes from your good genes. Increase your fresh fruits & vegetables 3-5 servings per day. And programmed your mind to do this day after day, for the rest of your life.

The beauty industry is a billion dollar business, they know acne is everyone's problem, but instead of saying soap is drying for you, they have to invent an acne product that can worsen the skin as MANY TEENAGERS have experienced during hormonal change, but as you get older those are completely a waste of time & money!

Sometimes just the oil on your face from make up and lotions, even from your hair can travel to your face causing acne to come out. Others, from stress, hormones & diet or foods.

If acne's a problem, your pillowcases may be part of the cause. "They collect skin oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, and excess night creams," says David Bank, a professional Dermatology @ Columbia University/New York-Presbyterian Hospital. "But if nothing changed by 6 week the product will never work for you. Time to move on."

"If you have breakouts, dairy is the devil' it is inflammatory and will add hormones to your already hormone-rife system. Get calcium elsewhere, or try nonfat organic dairy products. For PMS breakouts, avoid dairy and bakery items the week before your period - sugar and flour are both causes for pimples and collagen." Dr. Jessica Wu, M.D. University of Southern California School of Medicine and author of the new book Feed Your Face.


Lea Michele recently revealed her secret to clear skinâShe gives it room to "breathe." "Maybe I'll put on a little mascara. But other than that I try very hard to just let my skin breathe," she told "I care more about letting my skin breathe than how I look."
Another good example is Lily Collins, actor, writer, artist: "When I travel to Europe, I go days without putting anything on. It feels healthier. I just never understood the idea of caking it on. The more you have on your face, the more there is to smudge and go wrong." Glamour - Sept. 2012.

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