Sunday, December 9, 2012

How do I get rid of bad breath in my 10 months old baby?

Q. The following are some info about my baby so that one can diagnose easily:
1. He is 10 months old.
2. He is bottle fed.
3. He drools a lot.
4. It seems that his drool smells.
5. He is normal means not suffered by cold or anything else.

A. brush his mouth

How do you get rid of bad breath fast on a date?
Q. We are getting thai food and I know it makes your breath smell terrible. We are then going to a dance, and I am worried about the slow dances.

A. Chew some minty gum.

Offer your date some too.

How can you get rid of bad breath for forever?
Q. I have bad odar breath everyday i dont know why. I brush my teeth 3 times, my gum, my, tongue, and my teeth, it helps alittle but then the smell just comes back. Please help. And i never talk in school cause of it or anywhere. Please help me thank you

A. Use a mouth wash with alcohol like Oral B (the kind with mint). Have a strong mint like a mint flavored tic tac. Get a tongue brush, like Ora B. Odor usually grows on the tongue, and this helps to gently yet effectively clean it off. Talk to your dentist about your hygiene issues.

What are some tips to eliminate bad breath?
Q. I brush, floss, mouthwash, and use a tongue scraper. I still cant seem to get rid of bad breath. I am currently using tips like mint gum and peppermint chapstick. All of these combined seem to be working, but...

Does anyone have any other tips?
I go to a dentist regularly thanks. And like I said, the things I mentioned, when all done, are effective. I was just looking for extra tips.

A. The best toothpaste for bad breath would be something with perioxide and baking soda! Try arm and hammers perioxi-care.Make sure your using a antibacterial mouthwash.Crest pro health is great.if your Chewing gum make sure its sugarless.If you chew sugared gum the sugar will linger in your mouth.Cinnamon is actually better than mint because it has antibacterial properties.Last but not least if you cant control your breath go see your dr or dentist there may be an underlying cause!Good luck!

How do I know if I have bad breath without asking others ?
Q. I'm single guy and live by myself. I brushes twice a day. But it's embarrassing moment when someone offer me a mint in the middle of conversation. Is there a device or tester I can buy ?

A. lick the back of your hand and let it dry. if the smell makes you shudder, then you do.
Bad breath is not necessarily caused by lack of oral hygiene or because you're "dirty". respiratory problems and gum infections can cause it.
Also, I always offer people mints or gum while I'm talking with people and it's never because they have bad breath. If anything, I wouldn't offer the people who had bad breath mints because of not wanting to offend them. So, don't be so self conscious about it! And also, if you do find you have bad breath and you have good oral hygiene, it might be an incentive to check out other health issues.

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