Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How does a marriage seperation work in islam?

Q. Can a couple be seperated for more then 3 months in islam with out it being considered a divorce?

A. this depends on the meaning of "separated"
divorce occurs when the man explicitly states that he want to divorce his wife, if separation occur without this statement it will not treated as divorce

How long can islam continue to thrive by using these 2 forms of threats?
Q. Sending unbelievers and ex muslims to hell when they die
(I laugh at that threat)

Hunting down ex muslims and murdering them
(I dont laugh at that threat because it happens always)

what do you think?

A. You are a bad propagandist. You just don't know how it's done.

How to convert christeanity by not being a follower of islam?
Q. Something like the sahada. But for christeans, what should I say so I be christean?
Eric, thank you

do you have an email where I can email you?
Eric, thank you

do you have an email where I can email you?

A. I realize I am a sinner and accept the atonement of Jesus Christ to cover my sin.
Simple. The rest is growing in a relationship with God and continuin in his word and prayer and meditation.. coming to know God.

How many of you who are opposed to illegal immigration are adherents to Christianity, Judaism, or Islam?
Q. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't all three religions espouse the same general idea? To love and care for one's neighbor, and to welcome the stranger?

A. There is a big difference between calling one self Christian for example, and actually being christian. Christianity has become something of a social club, not an embodiment of faith. Conservatives aren't christian at all, they are mammonist. fascist, xenophobe, war mongers, imperialist, and racist. They don't embodied the altruist teachings and doing of Jesus Christ. Nor do they respect such. They want to dine with God, and sleep with the devil. You can't serve two masters.

Why do people defend the islam extremists by using the crusades ?
Q. The crusades ended hundreds of years ago.

Muslim fighting has been going on for at least 1000 years.

The only difference now, is that is is spilling onto foreign soil, as travel becomes easier.

A. I didn't realize that anyone defended the extremists. As for the crusades...I believe before the crusades even started...didn't the muslims invade European countries as well until they were pushed out? I wasn't there.

But..every religion has their ignorant extremists who make up excuses for their behavior. I'm sure catholics, budhists, jewish, hindu and any other religion has their fair share of extremists.

I just wished they left the innocent people out of it and fight themselves.

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